• 金年会

    Strategy for Responsibility
    By upholding the corporate mission of "providing customers with quality products, services and systematic solutions, promoting green development, leading digital transformation, thereby building an everlasting business", CR Cement assimilates social responsibility into corporate operations and roots the same in our businesses. We review corporate social responsibility from a strategic perspective and persistently advance the launch of social responsibility from the point of view of stakeholders such as shareholders, employees, customers, partners and the community, which includes consolidating the safety management of production plants, responding to the "dual carbon" strategy, strengthening environmental protection management, innovating on upgrade measures for energy-saving and emission reduction, implementing health management and promoting co-processing projects to foster the mutual high-quality development of enterprises.
    Governance of Responsibility
    In order to proactively fulfil corporate social responsibility and earnestly promote the launch responsibility practice and other related work, CR Cement has established the "Corporate Culture and Social Responsibility Steering Committee" since 2013, which is responsible for the leadership, promotion and decision-making of the Company's strategic directions with respect to social responsibility. Currently, the Chief Executive Officer serves as the president of the committee, and members are comprised of main leaders from headquarters departments, operating regions, business divisions and specialized service organizations. Meanwhile, we also established the "Social Responsibility Report Preparation Committee" in 2016, which is responsible for preparing the annual Social Responsibility Report such that a solid foundation was laid for the Company to launch its social responsibility work and effectively promote responsibility management, implementation and integration.
    Policies and Systems
    To promote a more systematic and standardized approach towards social responsibility work, the Company revised social responsibility management mechanisms and indicator systems with reference to "GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards" of Global Reporting Initiative, "Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide" of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, "Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-CSR4.0)" of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, "Guidance on Social Responsibility of Cement Enterprise", "Guidance on Social Responsibility Reporting of Cement Enterprise" and "Social Responsibility Evaluation Index System of Cement Enterprise" of China Cement Association, and the "China Resources Group Management Measures for Social Responsibility".
    Culture of Responsibility
    CR Cement constantly consolidates its capability to fulfil its own responsibilities by building a "community of shared city", and continuously promoting a good brand image and corporate image in the industry through its socially valuable and sustainable brands of charitable businesses such as "Gratitude Fund" and "co-processing projects by use of cement kilns".
    Engagement with Responsibility
    CR Cement is proactively concerned with the aspirations and expectations of our stakeholders and continuously explores ways of effective communications with stakeholders through information publication, information reporting, special reports, shareholders' meetings, site visits, community activities, open days, staff activities, the Company's website and the official WeChat account for the disclosure of its results performance and relevant activities in a timely, accurate and rigorous manner as well as the timely propagation of the Company's philosophy and dynamic fulfilment of responsibility. While enhancing stakeholders' understanding on and support to the Company, CR Cement listens to the reasonable opinions and suggestions of internal and external stakeholders for the continuous improvement of corporate operational management methods and increase of the Company's comprehensive competitiveness.